View from the veranda Rancho el Aribabi - J. Rorabaugh
Mision Cocospera, N Sonora - J. Rorabaugh
Mision Cocospera2, N Sonora - J. Rorabaugh
Mision Cocospera, NE Sonora - J. Rorabaugh
Mision Cocospera de Kino (sign) - J. Rorabaugh
Casa Grande at Rancho el Aribabi - J. Rorabaugh
Cemetery at Mision Cocospera, N Sonora - J. Rorabaugh
Adobe walls of Mision Cocospera, N Sonora - J. Rorabaugh
Casita under construction at Rancho El Aribabi, - J. Rorabaugh
CONANP conference in the Casa Grande at El Aribabi - Carlos R. Elias
Eduardo Gomez presenting a workshop on Sonoran birds - Carlos R. Elias
After the hike Mike relaxes on the spacious veranda.
Saturday night dinner On Saturday night the Robles' family made dinner for guests and served us on the veranda. Yum.
Carlos Armando, Alee and Gabby Our host and our friends, Carlos Armando, Alee and Gabby, cooked and served us a traditional ranch meal.
Tawsha fording the Rio Cocospera Crossing the river in April requires some ingenuity - and a couple of sticks.
Installing camera #1 This camera overlooks a stock tank high in the Sierra Madre's. What will come to drink?
Jim, Tim and Susan waiting for dinner. Back from a long trip up the mountain, a hungry crew waits for dinner.
Can anybody find the manual for these things?
Birding near the Rio Cocospera
Coati track - Rancho El Aribabi
Eduardo Gomez-Limon - workshop on migratory and wetlands birds Ed Gomez often travels to El Aribabi to observe the nearly 200 documented bird species there. Because of the diverse landscape from river bottom to high montane, he often documents a species not seen on the ranch before. Here he leads a seminar on wetlands birds.
Scouts de Mexico at Rancho El Aribabi Dr. Hector Robles, scoutmaster, brings his troop to El Aribabi frequently. they enjoy the outdoors and work hard to repair watersheds that have been damaged by cattle.
Dr. Rodrigo Medellin holding a workshop at El Aribabi Dr. Medellin is a recognized expert on mammals in the southwest and Mexico.
He is the featured speaker at this CONANP workshop. Guests are seated on the huge veranda.
Michael waiting for a decision The road to the high canyon was partially washed out. Would it hold? Good sense prevailed and they turned around.
Axhel and Gordon There is often a lot of looking at field manuals.
Hard working biologists at El Aribabi
Juan Carlos Bravo
Kathryn in the cienega - K Ferguson - May 2016
Kathy, Gordon and Jim - K Ferguson - May 2016
Downloading images from a trail camera - K Ferguson - May 2016
Jim and Karina at the river - K Ferguson - May 2016
Gordon leads a bird watching hike - K Ferguson - May 2016